VIDEO Kings Of Leon - Sex on Fire "Official Video"

Kings Of Leon - Sex on Fire

Una canción con mucho sentimiento

Hace unos años atrás escuche por primera vez esta hermosa canción en un programa llamado "Factor X", seguramente muchas personas habrán sentido lo mismo que yo, las ganas de gritar "YOU, YOUR SEX IN ON FIRE" y en estos precisos momentos mientras escribo, escucho una vez mas emocionado esta canción, y la canto con fuerza, con mucha fuerza, porque en muchos momento de la vida tenemos alegrías y decepciones, al escuchar la melodía siento que las ganas de levantarme de nuevo y caminar, caminar... ¡Valentía!..

Sex on Fire

Lay where you're laying, don't make a sound
I know they're watching, they're watching
All the commotion, the kiddie like play
Has people talking, talking
You, your sex is on fire
The dark of the alley, the breaking of day
The head while I'm driving, I'm driving
Soft lips are open, knuckles are pale
Feels like you're dying, you're dying
You, your sex is on fire
Consumed with what's to transpire
Hot as a fever, rattling bones
I could just taste it, taste it
If it's not forever, if it's just tonight
Oh, it's still the greatest, the greatest, the greatest
And you, your sex is on fire
And you, your sex is on fire
Consumed with what's to transpire
And you, your sex is on fire
Consumed with what's to transpire


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